Higher Education Partnerships
The CHCI University Partnerships program was designed to help CHCI alumni gain greater access to premier graduate programs, secure critical financial support, and advance on their path towards careers in public policy. For questions, email: chcialumni@chci.org

Admitted CHCI program alumni will receive merit-based scholarships equal to at least 30% of tuition per semester and an option to defer admission for one year. CHCI alumni and participants are also eligible for up to $200 reimbursement to attend Heinz visitation events. Heinz College does not require an application fee. Qualifying programs include:
- Public Policy & Management (MSPPM)
- Information Systems and Management (MISM)
- Public Policy & Data Analytics (MSPPM-DA)
- Business Intelligence & Data Analytics (BIDA)
- Arts Management (MAM)
- Information Security Policy & Management (MSISPM)
- Public Policy in Washington, DC (MSPPM_DC)
- Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM)
- Healthcare Analytics & IT (MSHCA)
- Medical Management for Physicians (MMM)
- Public Management (MPM)
- Information Technology Management- Online Program (MSIT)
- Business Intelligence & Data Analytics- Online Program (MSIT)
- Information Security & Assurance- Online Program (MSIT)
- Health Care Policy Analytics and Management at Heinz College
CHCI And Carnegie Mellon University Partner To Provide Scholarships To Latinx Leaders

CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will receive a minimum 30% tuition discount. Qualifying programs include:
- Master of Public Administration (MPA)
- M.A. in International Relations (MAIR)
- MPA / MAIR dual degree
- M.A. in Public Diplomacy and Global Communications (PDGC)
- Executive Master of Public Administration* (EMPA) [offered in Syracuse, N.Y.]**
- Executive M.A. in International Relations* (EMIR) [offered in Syracuse, N.Y. and Washington, D.C.]
- Certificate of Advanced Study in Public Leadership and Management* (CAS PLM) [offered in Syracuse, N.Y., Washington, D.C., and Online]
- *Denotes a mid-career/executive program.
- **The fully online EMPA program is not eligible under this agreement.
New Fellowships at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School Available to CHCI Interns
Program Listing:
Partnership Programs and Matching Awards

Admitted CHCI program alumni will receive scholarships covering 30% of their tuition. Admitted alumni will also be eligible for additional merit-based funding. The Clinton School does not require an application fee.
- The Clinton School’s Master of Public Service degree
- The Clinton School Online.
Clinton School and Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Partner to Provide Scholarships to Latino Leaders

CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will receive $7,500 toward tuition eligible for renewal after the first year. Qualifying programs include:
- Master of Public Policy (MPP)
- Master of Social Welfare (MSW)
- Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)
New Scholarship Offers Support to Emerging Latino Leaders

CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will receive $5,000 tuition reduction scholarship eligible for renewal after the first year. Qualifying programs include:
- Master of Health Administration (MHA)
- Master of Public Administration (MPA)
- Master of Public Policy (MPP)
- Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management (MNLM)
- Master of Urban Planning (MUP).
CHCI And USC Price Partner To Provide Scholarships To Latinx Leaders In Public Policy Field

Admitted CHCI program alumni will receive an annual fellowship of at least $12,500 for Virginia residents and $20,000 for non-Virginia residents. The Frank Batten School does not require an application fee.
- Master of Public Policy

CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will be awarded a minimum 50% tuition reduction toward a qualifying graduate program guaranteed for two years. Qualifying programs include:
- Master of Public Affairs (residential or online)
- Master of Arts in Arts Administration
- Master of Science in Environmental Science
- Master of Environmental Sustainability
- Master of Science in Healthcare Management (hybrid or online-only program)
- Master of International Affairs
- Master of Public Affairs-Master of Science in Environmental Science Dual Degree
- Master of Public Affairs-Master of Arts in Arts Administration Dual Degree
- Master of Public Affairs-Master of International Affairs Dual Degree
Announcement: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute O’Neill Fellowship Award provides opportunity for CHCI alumni
CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will receive a 50% tuition scholarship consideration. Enrolled candidates will benefit from a $1,500 professional development stipend for the tenure of the program, pending satisfactory academic standing. The scholarship will be automatically renewed under satisfactory academic standing. Qualifying graduate programs include:
- Master of Public Administration in Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy
- Master of Public Administration in Health Policy & Management
- Master of Urban Planning
- Executive Master of Public Administration
Announcement: NYU Wagner Launches Partnership with Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will receive a minimum 25% tuition discount. The fellowship is valid for 4 semesters unless seeking a dual degree, in which case it will be valid for 3 semesters. The fellowship does not automatically renew. Students must notify CHCI before applying to receive proof of alumni status. The college will then offer a fee waiver code. Qualifying programs include:
- Master of Public Policy (MPP)
Announcement: The Ford School partners with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
CHCI program alumni will receive an application fee waiver and, if admitted, will receive a tuition scholarship equal to the amount of which is equal to a maximum 50% percent reduction in the cost of tuition. The scholarship will automatically be renewed for subsequent years up to the minimum number of credits needed to complete the degree program applied to and if maintaining satisfactory academic standing. Scholarships regarding Joint and/or Dual Degree programs will be made on a case-by-case basis. Qualifying graduate programs include:
- Master of Arts in Global Economic Affairs
- Master of Arts in International Development
- Master of Arts in International Studies
- Master of Arts in International Security
- Master of Arts in International Human Rights
- Master of Arts in Global Environmental Sustainability
- Master of Public Policy in Public Policy
CHCI program alumni admitted to the Harris School of Public Policy will receive a merit scholarship in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per academic year. The Harris School of Public Policy does not require an application fee for master’s degree applicants. Qualifying graduate programs include:
- Master of Public Policy
- MA in Public Policy
- MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy
- MA in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods
CHCI Alumni who are admitted to the Harris School of Public Policy’s part-time master’s program in a given academic year shall receive a merit scholarship in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) for the duration of the program.
CHCI program alumni admitted to The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences will receive a minimum twenty (20) percent reduction in the cost of tuition for their program of study, excluding certain programs. CHCI Alumni should inquire with CHCI on which programs are excluded before applying. CHCI Alumni will receive a waiver of the CCAS graduate application fee by indicating that they are affiliated with CHCI among the dropdown options in the “Financial Aid Information” section of the application.
Announcement: https://columbian.gwu.edu/ccas-partners-chci