2023 Latino Hill Staff Academy

Ivan was born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida. He is currently a Professional Staff Member with the House Natural Resources Committee Democrats, covering issues related to the U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States, as well as a range of Oversight and Investigation projects. He first joined the Committee as a CHCI Public Policy Fellow in 2020, during which he helped draft legislation, conduct policy research, and organize congressional hearings.
As a Puerto Rican, Ivan is grateful for the opportunity to advocate for equity and justice for Puerto Rico and the other territories within the federal government. Some of his proudest accomplishments include helping secure funding for climate change mitigation and renewable energy development in the territories and working on a proposal to resolve Puerto Rico’s political status.
Prior to moving to D.C. and working on Capitol Hill, Ivan studied political science at Duke University, where he participated in student government and the Duke Figure Skating Team. Despite being from Miami, Ivan figure skated competitively for many years. In college he also completed an undergraduate thesis on the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico in 2017 and the numerous grassroots movements the disaster sparked focused on self-sustainability and self-determination.
In his free time, Ivan likes to jog through Rock Creek Park, binge watch anime, listen to true crime podcasts, and dance to Beyoncé.