Jacqueline Martinez | CHCI
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NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023

Jacqueline Martinez  

Home » NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023 » Jacqueline Martinez

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois   
School: Intrinsic Schools

Jacqueline Martinez is a first generation student and a daughter to hard-working Mexican parents living in Chicago. She is a motivated student-athlete playing for her school’s varsity basketball team and leading as a captain for the varsity soccer team. Jacqueline is involved in the Diversity, Empathy, and Inclusion (D.E.I) club, mentoring club, and she interviews potential candidate teachers for her school. She is currently looking for opportunities that will help her become a neurologist. The base of success comes from understanding our own potential. Thankfully, at the CHCI NextGen program, Jacqueline learned how much she can do after attending workshops and getting exposure to leadership skills. Along with that, she made connections with amazing people that made her feel like she can do great things as a Latina, a woman, and as a person in general. She found a second family at the CHCI NextGen program.

Nicolas Abreu 

Nicolas Abreu 

Christian Acosta  

Christian Acosta  

Maurits Acosta 

Maurits Acosta 

Alex Araujo 

Alex Araujo 

Andrea Archilla   

Andrea Archilla   

Yoselin Arreola Parra  

Yoselin Arreola Parra  

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