NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023
Leslie Cervantes Subias

Hometown: Richmond, California
School: Summit Public Schools: Tamalpais
Leslie Cervantes Subias is a proud daughter of Immigrants from Richmond, California. Leslie goes to a small charter school called Summit Tamalpais. Although her school only offers a limited amount of extracurricular activities due it being small and only yet having two graduating classes, she always goes out of her way to create new opportunities for others and herself such as creating her own Latinos club. Not only this, but she joined majority of the clubs offered at her school and became a TA for the dean of Middle School at her school. One day Leslie hopes to give back to all the immigrants in her community by becoming an immigration attorney. Growing up Leslie noticed how much a migratory status prevented her family from living a “normal” and just life which lead her to want to pursue a career in law. NextGen will always hold a special place in her heart because it taught her that as a young Latina she is capable of anything she puts her mind to. NextGen taught her that all she needs for success is hard work and a good heart willing to help others.