Leslie Salamanca Ortega | CHCI
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NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023

Leslie Salamanca Ortega  

Home » NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023 » Leslie Salamanca Ortega

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona  
School: Trevor G. Browne High School 

Leslie Salamanca Ortega is a first-generation Mexican-American from Phoenix, Arizona. She is the Student Government secretary, M.E.Ch.A secretary, and she is in the National Honors Society. She aspires to help her underrepresented Hispanic community obtain more opportunities and resources in this country. Her participation in the NextGen program allowed her to recognize different perspectives by meeting Latinos of different backgrounds and to voice the concerns of her community to Congress members. She is eager to study Political Science and become an immigration attorney to support her community.

Nicolas Abreu 

Nicolas Abreu 

Christian Acosta  

Christian Acosta  

Maurits Acosta 

Maurits Acosta 

Alex Araujo 

Alex Araujo 

Andrea Archilla   

Andrea Archilla   

Yoselin Arreola Parra  

Yoselin Arreola Parra  

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