Mayra Cerda-Gonzalez | CHCI
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NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023

Mayra Cerda-Gonzalez   

Home » NextGen Latino Leadership Program 2023 » Mayra Cerda-Gonzalez  

Hometown: Rialto, California 
School: Rialto High School  

Mayra Cerda-Gonzalez is one of four siblings belonging to an immigrant father and Mexican-American mother. She is from Rialto, California and currently is in Badminton, a leadership class, and she is the President of the Christian club at her school. She is passionate about history and creating a positive impact for her community. From her participation in the NextGen program, she deepened her understanding of the legislative branch of government, policy making, and American History. She recommends the program to passionate Latinos hoping to make a change in their community because of the program’s great ability to enrich future leaders.

Nicolas Abreu 

Nicolas Abreu 

Christian Acosta  

Christian Acosta  

Maurits Acosta 

Maurits Acosta 

Alex Araujo 

Alex Araujo 

Andrea Archilla   

Andrea Archilla   

Yoselin Arreola Parra  

Yoselin Arreola Parra  

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