2024 NextGen Latino Leadership Program
Nathaly Santana
Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
School: Westmoore High School
Nathaly Santana was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and is a first-generation proud Latina with a bright smile and personality. Nathaly never gave up on seeing what she proposed to come true, which drove her to believing in herself and seeing her future. Until this moment the word “impossible” has been a challenge for Nathaly that taught and made her achieve great things. She is involved in her school’s student council and non-profits, serves as secretary for the League of United Latin American Citizens Oklahoma Council, attends Girls State, is President of the Sociedad Hispano Latino club, and protests for Latino rights against unlawful bills at her State Capital. Having the rewarding opportunity to attend CHCI NextGen, Nathaly learned, created new friendships, and found her mission: to be part of a larger community of Latinos involved in Congress to create a brighter future for the nation.