2024 NextGen Latino Leadership Program
Ninel Hernandez Maldonado
Hometown: Truckee, California
School: Tahoe Truckee High School
Ninel Hernandez is a first generation Latina and rising junior at Truckee High School in Truckee, California. At her school she is president of her Hispanic representative club, La Raza. She is also a committee member at her county’s board, the Nevada County Youth Commission, and this fall she will be serving her second term. She is deeply dedicated to her latine community in her small rural hometown. Her main focuses are improving nutrition and health care services in school districts, implementing recreational activities, as well as spreading her Mexican heritage throughout her community. In the future Ninel sees herself aiming to provide the public with greater healthcare access and implement effective environmental management strategies and support services for underserved communities. Honored to be a part of CHCI NextGen, this program has really broadened her perspective on public policy and helped her improve her leadership and networking skills, the essential tools for her future.