Summer 2021 Congressional Interns
Current Position/Organization
CHCI Intern

Hometown: Washington, D.C.
School: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Major: Political Science and Art History
Placement: The Office of Sen. Bob Menendez
Amelia was born and raised in Washington, DC, with her two younger siblings and parents. Her mother is from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and her father was raised in Queens, New York. Her paternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from Ecuador. Amelia’s father was the first in his family to graduate from college and always instilled in her the importance of heritage and obtaining a higher education.
Today, Amelia studies Political Science and Art History at the University of Massachusetts Amherst as a double major. She is currently working as part of a service-learning course to help teach art to high school students in the Springfield, Massachusetts area. She is also working on an article that she hopes to get published on the SAFE Justice Act and plans to continue writing about politics. Aside from political science, Amelia’s passion is art history. She plans to utilize her undergraduate degree and further pursue a master’s degree in Flemish and Italian art. With this, she hopes to become an art historian at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.
As a CHCI Intern, Amelia is hoping to gain more leadership skills and gain a deeper understanding of how Congress functions. Growing up in DC, she has always admired the process and the people that carry it out and cannot wait to become a part of that process and be able to help make a difference.