Summer 2023 Congressional Interns
Christopher Flores
Current Position/Organization
CHCI-Genentech Intern

Hometown: Tucson, Arizona
School: Williams College
Major: Chemistry, Sociology
Placement: The Office of Rep. Ruben Gallego
Chris was born in the town of Nogales, Mexico, and was raised in southern Arizona after immigrating to the United States with his mom. Chris is one of the first in his family to graduate high school and the first to attend college. Coming from a low-income background, he strives to uplift others that share his backgrounds. On campus, he mentors first-generation, low-income high school students on navigating the college application process and current students on accessing college resources. Through the Firsts Student Union and Williams Outing Club, he has worked to provide immersion outings in historically exclusionary career, educational, and outdoor settings.
Chris is a sophomore at Williams College as a prospective Chemistry and Sociology double major with an interest in public health. He hopes that upon earning his undergraduate degree, he will go on to school for a health profession. Eventually, he wishes to open up his own practice to better care for underserved communities, like his own. His ultimate goal is to involve himself in legislating to continue the push for improving livelihoods through healthcare, education, and beyond.
As a CHCI Intern, Chris hopes to integrate his passion for politics and learning to better grasp the legislative procedure, along with developing a greater understanding of public health. He hopes to utilize this opportunity to inspire others in communities like his to bring momentum for change and to mentor those that will continue after him.