Summer 2021 Congressional Interns
Current Position/Organization

Hometown: Pharr, Texas
School: University of Texas at Austin
Major: English, Government, and Youth & Community Studies
Placement: The Office of Rep. Vicente González
Suseth was born in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and later immigrated across the border to the Rio Grande Valley. Her experiences as an immigrant, first-generation student that comes from a Title I school has taught her that social issues are inherently interconnected. Because of Suseth’s immigrant narrative and proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border, she is passionate about increasing education about immigration and humanizing the experience of people along the frontera. Most recently, she works alongside the No Border Wall Coalition as a member of Jolt to divest from border construction efforts and fund the communities along the border.
Suseth is currently a senior at the University of Texas at Austin triple majoring in English, Government, and Youth & Community Studies with an emphasis on youth and social services. Upon completing her undergraduate degree, Suseth will become a teacher through Teach for America. She hopes to later pursue a master’s degree in Educational Policy or Public Affairs. Suseth’s ultimate goal is to work to create survivable conditions for marginalized peoples through outreach, advocacy, and public policy efforts.
As a CHCI Intern, Suseth hopes to strengthen her knowledge of the legislative process as well as gain insight into the breath that policy has. She hopes to be able to utilize this experience to continue advocating for her community in the Rio Grande Valley.